How to Afford Common Big-Ticket Expenses and Repairs

Throughout life, there are expenses that we know we will eventually have to pay. We plan to take vacations throughout the year. Maybe you’ve prepared for a while to move to a new home or to remodel the bathroom in the home you already own.

There are those times, though, where big-ticket expenses and repairs occur, which catch you unawares. This might include purchasing a new car when your old vehicle breaks down. As homeowner problems like these pop up all the time. What we’ll focus on today are ways to afford common big-ticket expenses and repairs.

Save your money


One of the ways to afford your big-ticket expenses and repairs such as a bathroom remodel or a kitchen remodel is to save for it. When you move into a new home, it sometimes helps to build an emergency fund. Sometimes this can be easier said than done, but it is doable. Don’t spend money on items which you don’t need. Maybe don’t eat take-out food as much you normally do. Many homeowners have taken years of experience of having to deal with such big money expenditures, realizing that saving money is a good way to go. Say, for instance, you’ve decided to do some home remodeling in Milwaukee. You start building a list of all of the various home improvement tasks which you’ll need. As the costs build-up, you’ll need to find the revenue needed to pay for such repairs.

These repairs might include a bathroom remodel, kitchen remodels, redoing your floors, vanity replacements, and installing new windows in your home. Since these home renovation projects are going to require a bit of money, saving money is a great way to offset such costs. You can save for home improvement projects by putting away a certain percentage of money from your weekly or monthly paychecks. You can also maybe take on extra side jobs and set that money aside for when such big money home remodeling jobs crop up. Saving money is a simple and cost-effective way of being able to afford big-ticket expenses.

Seek out financing

Another way of affording big money purchases is to seek out financing from a lender. This method allows you to pay for a big-ticket item up front, and make payments on the loan down the road (so to speak). This allows you to, say, for instance, drive off of a car dealer lot in a new car despite only having paid a down payment on your SUV or sedan. In some cases, people trade in their used vehicles as a way to lower the amount which is being paid. This, combined with the assistance of a car loan from a reputable lender, can help a person to make a big-money purchase like a new car.

For instance, let’s say you trade in used car Regina SK. You’ll eventually need financing for your new Chevrolet, Jeep, Toyota, or Dodge vehicle. Working with the car dealer, you can contact different banks or even credit unions which provide new car financing. Working with an excellent customer service representative at one of these financial institutions, you’ll have the funds needed to become a first-time car owner in no time. Once you clear away the concern of how you’re going to pay for the new or used car, you can then move on to worrying about other car-related matters. This might include getting a regular oil change, making sure there isn’t a lot of mileage on the vehicle, and listening for any “hiccups” during your test drive. Seeking out financing is a great way to pay for big-ticket expenses.

Use a credit card


This is the last resort method of paying for expensive repairs, but it’s a common one that people often use. Credit cards allow for an emergency option to pay for, well, emergencies. When you use a credit card in these circumstances, you can make such payments over time. Let’s say your roof is damaged during a hail storm. You’re going to have to find a way to pay for this home improvement activity, and paying builders will more than likely be costly.

If you want your roofing contractor to do a great job on these repairs, you’ll need to be able to pay them for the work. After using your credit card to submit payment, just be prepared to pay the monthly payments needed. Though such repairs can have an effect on your credit score, still utilize this option of paying for big-budget repairs if needed.