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5 Systems Your Business Can’t Do Without

The business world has changed dramatically in the last few years. Aside from the internet’s place as the prime tool for customer motivation and outreach, the recent integration of a remote workflow has made versatility for positive customer experiences and web visibility more important than ever. Technology has risen to the challenge, with new software tools available for every facet of your organization’s workflow. Here, we’ll look at five diverse systems no modern business can do without and their best applications for the highest success rate.

1. Cargo Management System

Since mobile devices have become the prime tools for many customers’ discovery of an organization’s online presence and outreach, it follows that a GPS-based system can benefit a company’s workflow with the same ingenuity. With an integrated cargo management system, your management team can track incoming and outgoing shipments of any delivery, be it large-scale freight and product travel or the smaller delivery of individual items to a purchaser. An industrial-strength cargo-tracking software helps with overall workforce management, as well, since it tracks team members out in the field. It’s also fully operational from your admin dashboard via a mobile device or remote office space. Controlling routing, assuring customer and delivery communications, and receiving alert one when a delivery is completed become seamless.

2. Call Center Solution

No matter the industry, the highest-quality customer service, and customer interaction is the top priority. Modern call center solutions (CCaaS) guarantee these crucial priorities in one innovative software, making your data center full remote.

With a call center solution in place, your customer service team can answer inbound calls without the need for an on-premises outbound call center location. This grants multiple phone lines, voicemail alerts notifications, the ability to route calls, and all the features of a traditional call center from anywhere. With current vendors utilizing cloud-based solutions, your remote call center is accessible for needed outreach 24-7, guaranteeing round-the-clock accessibility for callers and clients at all times. Current CCaaS vendors are specifically geared towards providing both the reliability you need to replace traditional contact centers, as well as the cloud-based digital tools for the ultimate customer experience solution.

3. Equipment Management System

With the rise in remote team members, licensed hardware (such as laptops and mobile devices) has become commonplace. In order to monitor loaned hardware use and employee compliance, software equipment tracking is more important than ever. Modern equipment tracking software includes indexing of equipment and historical data of the lending process. Notifications are sent to your media management team if the equipment is late, damaged, or goes missing, along with inquiry and needed billing.

4. Video Optimized In-House Intercom System

As a perfect complement to your CCaaS software, an in-house intercom system can take on-location communication to the next level. Advances in intercom solutions now integrate real-time digital video capabilities, making security and compliance a two-in-one feature. This allows you to receive inbound calls from your security team (as well as make outbound calls) with the ability to see their POV on your own mobile device, even remotely. The main difference between traditional intercom technologies and today’s solutions is the remote functionality, which has a modern eye on remote team members, as well as the assurance of on-site compliance and quality management of your premises before and after peak hours.

5. Marketing and SEO Optimization

Online presence and visibility are a modern organization’s keys to success. For this, a proper website, multiple social media accounts, and ongoing search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns are all needed tools for successful marketing and sales teams. A monthly subscription to a marketing management software offers a solution to each of these elements, proving automated functions for blog posting, web alerts to customers regarding upcoming products and service discounts, as well as accessibility for customer service. Your marketing and sales teams’ written content can go live simultaneously, allowing you to monitor the success rate of your SEO in real-time, as well as the alerts to your standing analytics.

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