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What Is a Ductless Mini-Split System?

If your sunroom is a little too warm or your master bedroom with a vaulted ceiling stays cold in the winter, you may have discovered the limitations of your HVAC system. Your cooling and heating systems might be working just as they were designed. However, you could still have hot and cold spots around your home. Many homeowners struggle with temperature inconsistencies due to the limits of their central air systems. Rooms exposed to more or less sunlight or features like vaulted ceilings will typically experience temperature differences as the HVAC struggles to combat other influences.

Temperature inconsistencies are a common occurrence in many homes. If your HVAC system is in good working order, you might need to consider other solutions. Many homeowners are turning to ductless systems to provide heating and cooling for certain areas of their homes. There are several factors to consider when deciding if a ductless system is right for you. Let’s take a look at mini-split systems as a solution for indoor temperature issues.

Ductless Mini-Split Systems

So, what exactly is a ductless mini-split system? Like central air systems that deliver hot and cold air through ductwork, a mini-split system also has two main components. A mini-split has an outdoor compressor and condensing unit as well as an indoor air handler. The indoor unit is usually mounted to the ceiling or high up on a wall in the room where heating and cooling are required. The outdoor unit is placed similarly to a traditional HVAC outdoor unit. Both components are connected with a power cable and copper refrigerant tube.

Ductless mini-split systems are also known as zoned systems and can handle different areas depending on the system. With a single zone system, one indoor unit and an outdoor unit work together to deliver climate-controlled air to a specific room or area. Several indoor units are connected to one outdoor unit to control the temperature in various locations with multi-zone systems. Many systems can handle up to five indoor units. The benefit of a multi-zoned system is that each indoor unit can be controlled independently. While you will need a qualified technician to install many types of mini-split systems, there is no need for ductwork or multiple vents.

Mini-Split System Benefits

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of a mini-split is that it is highly customizable and offers flexibility for temperature control in individual spaces. These systems are perfect for areas such as room additions, garages, basements, and sunrooms. You can also add a mini-split to an area already serviced by your HVAC system but that needs additional hot and cold air. Many people have also found a mini-split to be the solution for older homes with outdated or nonfunctional equipment.

A mini-split system can also prove to be much more energy-efficient than a traditional system. Losses through the ductwork can account for up to 30 percent of a home’s energy consumption. With a ductless system, you can prevent air leaks and wasted energy consumption. Additionally, many of the compressors used in mini-split systems save energy by using only enough power to deliver and maintain the desired temperature.

As discussed, these ductless systems can also be tailored toward everyone’s individual needs. Traditional central air blows hot or cold air at the same temperature throughout the entire home at one time. With a mini-split, everyone can have their own climate-controlled space. If the sunroom needs more cold air and the master bedroom needs to be warmed up, both can be accomplished with a mini-split.

A mini-split system is a heating and cooling system that allows temperature control in individual rooms and spaces. If you have built a home addition or have rooms with specific needs, a mini-split system could be the solution without requiring ductwork and additional construction.

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