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How to Save Money: HVAC Maintenance vs. Duct Cleaning

Your HVAC is a year-round necessity. Each season places different demands on the unit to create a consistent temperature inside your home. From supplying warm air in the winter to cold air in the summer, your system is the workhorse of your home. With continuous usage, your HVAC system is under plenty of strain. A regular maintenance routine could help ensure that your system continues to run as efficiently as possible.

Most experts agree that HVAC units last an average of 10-15 years. As the system ages, it’ll become less efficient and cost more to operate. You can extend the life of your unit and improve efficiency, however, if you take some steps to keep your system running smoothly. On the other hand, if you neglect your HVAC system, it could lead to costly repairs or complete replacement. Let’s take a look at some things that you can do to save money and keep your system running.

Change your air filters regularly.

One of the simplest things that you can do to save money and maintain your HVAC system is to check your filter regularly. This is especially true during heavy use periods of the summer and winter. Since dirty air filters impact your HVAC system, it’s recommended that you change your filters at least every three months. You can check the filters more frequently, however, and change them if they’re dirty. A dirty filter blocks airflow and the system will have to work harder to keep your home warm or cool. Checking your filters and changing dirty air filters is a basic part of HVAC maintenance that will save you money and keep your home comfortable.

Perform regular system maintenance.

An HVAC system is similar to a car in that it needs regular maintenance to function correctly. Aside from keeping up with your air filters, there a few other basic things that you can do regularly. You’ll want to inspect your unit to check for things such as excessive moisture, dust or dirt build-up, and exposed wiring. Any of these things will need to be remedied as soon as possible to maintain system health. You can contact a professional if you notice any problems that concern you.

In addition to doing your routine checks, you should get enrolled in a regular maintenance plan with an HVAC professional. An HVAC technician will come to tighten electrical components, check the condensation drain, clean and adjust the blower, check the refrigerant, and wash your outside unit. Various plans will offer different services depending on price level and service contract. The purpose of these plans is to prevent HVAC system failure and save you money. Doing regular maintenance on vents and ductwork, along with system tune-ups will keep your system healthy and keep your money in your pocket in the long run.

Perform duct cleaning.

Often people want will weigh ductwork cleaning as opposed to HVAC maintenance to save money. No matter how often you change your air filters, the HVAC system in your home will still get dirty. The ventilation system in your house is responsible for delivering clean air through your home. Over time, however, your air ducts will build up dirt, dust, allergens, and even mold spores. The contaminants and air pollutants in your system could lead to poor indoor air quality and system inefficiency. Having your system professionally cleaned could help eliminate the contaminants that affect your family members with allergies or asthma. Instead of thinking of duct cleaning in terms of either-or, you should consider it in addition to a regular maintenance plan. While regular maintenance will be the best way to save money and keep your system running, duct cleaning can also be beneficial.

Homeownership comes with many responsibilities. Aside from mortgage payments and bills, your home will require regular maintenance. Things like HVAC system maintenance will keep things running smoothly and could save you money. When debating on maintenance versus duct cleaning, regular maintenance will be more effective, but both will save you money, ensure clean air and keep your system healthy.

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