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How To Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs While Boosting Energy Efficiency

Many homeowners are frustrated by the price of heating and cooling their homes, but sometimes your utility bills are higher than they have to be. You may not realize it, but you may be ignoring some simple ways to reduce the cost of your energy while also improving your home’s overall efficiency. That might sound too good to be true, but you’d be surprised how much control you have over the amount of energy your home uses on a regular basis. If your energy bills are starting to creep up, read on to learn more about how to reduce heating and cooling costs while boosting energy efficiency.

How can you boost energy efficiency while reducing your utility bill?

You may be thinking that there’s no way to reduce heating, cooling and electricity costs and boost energy efficiency, but there are actually a couple of things you can do. The easiest, and most obvious, is to keep your HVAC system well maintained. Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system uses a lot of energy, and it uses, even more, when it isn’t in good working order. An inefficient or ineffective HVAC system can cause your energy costs to soar. Your HVAC should be inspected at least once yearly and have its filter changed every 90 days.

Ducts that are connected to a forced-air furnace, central air conditioner, or heat pump can often be the source of a significant amount of excess energy usage. Sealing and insulating your ducts can actually boost the energy efficiency of your heating and cooling systems by 20 percent and in some cases, even more.

If your HVAC system is over 10 years old, you may need a replacement. Talk to your HVAC technician about replacing it with an ENERGY STAR certified system. It’s a good idea to consider all other possible solutions before discussing a full HVAC replacement, but there are considerable benefits to having a brand-new system, especially when it comes to minimizing energy consumption.

Are there any upgrades that can help save money?

Anyone who is willing to invest in some home improvement should consider upgrading to a smart thermostat the next time they have their HVAC technician come by. A smart thermostat is one of the most useful smart devices on the market for homeowners who care about keeping their homes comfortable and saving money. It runs on automation and can be controlled through a timer or, in many cases, through a mobile app or web portal.

One of the biggest selling points in favor of the smart thermostat is its energy efficiency. By allowing your HVAC to run only when necessary to maintain your preferred temperature, you’ll noticeably reduce your monthly utility bills. It also gives you more control over the temperature of your home, with many systems allowing you to set temperature by zone.

It’s also worth considering that prospective home buyers are starting to prioritize environmental sustainability. Improving your home in ways that make it more eco-friendly and more efficient can help to increase your home’s value. Even if you don’t plan to sell, it’s always a good idea to make cost-effective upgrades.

Every homeowner wants to know how to lower their utility bills, and there are several simple ways to make sure you’re not overpaying every month. Even the best HVAC system still needs proper maintenance to run at peak efficiency. You can also install upgrades like a smart thermostat to help you manage your heating and cooling needs even more effectively. A smart thermostat is yet another way to cut down on your energy expenses. While there are obvious financial incentives to make some simple changes to boost your home’s energy efficiency, it’s the right thing to do for the environment, too.

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