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How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Many people follow the air quality of their city or state by keeping an eye on smog levels or smoke from seasonal brush fires. However, few people realize the indoor air in their homes is also a source of pollution and stress on their airways. If you are sensitive to asthma or allergies, take steps to improve your indoor air quality. Follow these steps to breathe cleaner air.

Ask about indoor air quality products.

The first thing you need to know is that the allergens in your home do not reflect your cleanliness levels. It’s common to find pet dander and microns in even the cleanest homes. No matter how well you brush your pet and contain their fur, dander will spread across your home.

The next time you have an appointment to evaluate your HVAC system, ask the technician about indoor air quality solutions to keep your air clean. They can recommend air purifiers that remove viruses from the air, along with better air filters that catch dust mites that travel around your ducts.

Your HVAC technician can even run an indoor air quality test to evaluate whether your air is dirty or simply needs a basic air cleaner.

Track your moisture levels.

Moisture is the enemy of fresh air. In areas with poor ventilation, high humidity levels can create a breeding ground for mold. Mold is incredibly difficult to get rid of and causes a host of breathing problems. You can find symptoms of mold in the form of musty odors, often in damp places like basements and bathrooms.

Look through your home to identify ways to improve your ventilation. This might include installing bathroom exhaust fans to increase airflow or investing in a monitor to track your humidity levels. When you take control of your humidity, you can prevent mold spores from traveling through your indoor air.

Catch dirt and pollen before it enters the house.

Most homeowners bring in outdoor allergens without realizing it. Pollen can catch on your clothes, along with dust and dirt from the outside. When you walk inside your house, you bring these irritants to your indoor environment. These contaminants travel through the air and get stuck in your carpets.

Talk steps to eliminate how much dirt and dust comes in from the outside. Remember to take off your shoes when entering your home and consider changing your clothes in high-pollen months. You can also wipe down your pets with a damp towel so they don’t bring in anything from the outside. These steps will also reduce how much cleaning you have to do.

Know when to open your windows.

If you love sitting by open windows when the weather allows, you might not think you have a ventilation problem. After all, fresh air is entering your home and serving as a natural cleaner. However, this is incorrect. Outdoor air isn’t necessarily clean. Dust from the road, dirt from your garden, and pollution from nearby businesses can all travel through the air into your home.

This doesn’t mean you always need to keep your windows closed, but you need to be smart about when you open them. Consider downloading an air quality tracking app on your phone to track pollution and pollen levels. These apps can tell you when it’s safe to open your windows and let the breeze in.

Every home has its own unique air quality challenges. Some homes have poor ventilation, creating mold. Others are plagues with pet dander and dust mites because of pets and kids. Take time to evaluate your indoor air to reduce asthma symptoms and feel safer in your home.

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