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3 Way To Improve Your Air Conditioning Efficiency

Rear view of indian couple checking on digital tablet housing energy efficiency rate. Young couple searching new green house on digital tablet. Husband embracing wife while checking the energy efficiency status of their home.

Depending on where you live, the summer months could be brutally hot. As a result, the summer season is also synonymous with air conditioning and higher energy bills. When the mercury in the thermostat begins to climb, many of us begin to turn the thermostat down to keep our homes cool. However, as your air conditioning works to combat outside temperatures, it will use more energy and impact your bills. If you are like most homeowners, you are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency, lower your bills, and keep your home cool at the same time.

Experts estimate that your air conditioning system could account for up to 70 percent of your home energy expenditures during the summer cooling season. Based on several factors, you could pay hundreds of dollars in energy costs for HVAC operations throughout the year, however, an inefficient system could cost you a lot more.

Aside from taking care of any obvious issues, there are some things that you can do to help improve air conditioning efficiency. Improving your unit’s performance can help save you money and extend the life of your equipment. Let’s take a look at some of the things that you can do to boost your AC performance and efficiency during the hot summer months.

1. Keep your vents free and clear from debris.

One of the best ways to boost the efficiency of your air conditioner is to ensure that all of your vents are free from debris. In general, experts estimate that several pounds of durst, dust, and debris collect in your ductwork over the year. As these things blow around your system, they can become trapped in your vents. Take some time occasionally to check out the condition of your vents. Your airflow will be restricted if your vents are blocked or obstructed with debris and dirt. This will cause your system to be less efficient and work harder to move cold air through the house. Be sure to vacuum your vents and ensure they are free from any obstructions. Additionally, you should ensure that your vents aren’t blocked by appliances, furniture, rugs, or other household items.

2. Change your air filters regularly.

As a homeowner, you have a few maintenance tasks that need to be completed regularly. Changing your air filters is one of the more important routine tasks. Your AC system relies on sufficient airflow to function properly. To provide clean air to your home and prevent health conditions, your home pulls air through your filters to remove contaminants and allergens. Over time, the air filters will become dirty. A dirty filter will inhibit the airflow to your HVAC system. Like blocked vents, dirty air filters will cause your system to work harder and become less efficient. Depending on your filter types and situation, you should change your air filters every one to three months.

3. Install a programmable thermostat.

Your thermostat is the brain behind your HVAC system and decides when your home needs air. A traditional thermostat is limited to an on or off setting. This means that your system could be running during times of the day when air isn’t needed or when nobody is at home. A new programmable thermostat will allow you to determine when the air should be and when it is ok for the house to be a little warmer without air. A programmable device can regulate your air conditioner use and help keep your energy bills down.

Your AC system can be responsible for significant energy costs in the summer. From keeping your vents and air filters clean to using a programmable thermostat, however, there are some ways to help your system be more efficient. Aside from this, you might also consider a newer, more energy-efficient unit or mini-split ductless system if you want a complete overhaul.

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